
This short video mainly introduces that an item has many functions, and things that seem very common have many deeper functions. For example, this man showed us that a book has many uses. Not only can it be read and read, it can also be used as a label for shelter from rain, scratching and tearing off. The value of a well-designed item lies in whether it has such a rich set of functions.

Interaction design foundation.2015.affordables This article mainly discusses the research, origin, history and current status of human-computer interaction research.

The iPad plays an important role in our daily lives. It allows us to edit some files more conveniently, thereby partially replacing the use of computers. The convenience of the iPad is something that computers cannot replace. In terms of convenience, it is between mobile phones and Between computers, it is a supplement to mobile phones and computers. And the iPad has a rich software ecology. For example, the iPad can be more convenient to watch videos, instead of paper books, it can write and draw like a notebook, and it is lighter than a laptop in terms of weight, and can be used anytime, anywhere Taking pictures, although the iPad is not comparable to mobile phones and digital cameras, it is an essential function. Just like a recent slogan from Apple: Your next computer, why is it a computer. People are now more willing to use portable electronic products, the iPad is indeed the most suitable for this feature: large screen, powerful, light weight.

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