Category Blog


In Project 4, the theme I chose is about protecting marine resources. Our ocean environment is facing challenges today: marine oil leakage, reduction of marine life, and the release of nuclear waste water into the ocean. In the final project,…


First of all, remix culture is a new work or derivative produced by combining or editing existing materials. Although many artists in history have done combining elements to create, in the past few decades, with the development of technology The…


The book I’d like to share with you most is wonderful life with the elements, which is also one of my favorite illustration books. Created by the Japanese illustrator Bunpei yorifuji, this book uses a unique perspective and a humorous…


This is an article that introduces what a designer is, and introduces the difference between a designer and an engineer. The engineer is responsible for the structural failure of the product, while the designer’s work focuses on the design of…